Developmental Milestones - 2 Years Old

Photo courtesy of Jen Theodore (Unsplash)

Photo courtesy of Jen Theodore (Unsplash)


At 2 years old, most children


Fine and Gross Motor Skills

  • Is now able to walk up and down the stairs, one foot at a time and whilst holding on to something, and can climb on furniture without help.

  • Can stand on tiptoe, kick a ball and is beginning to run.

  • Throws a ball overhand.

  • Uses a spoon to self-feed.

  • Might use their preferred hand more.

  • Can put their shoes on.

  • Is able to copy circles or straight lines.

Language and Communication

  • Refers to their own name and talks to themself during play.

  • Has a vocabulary of over 200 words and can string two words together.

  • Can make simple two or four-word sentences.

  • Uses telegraphic speech to communicate, i.e. they use key words to get their meaning across.

  • Repeat words they hear.

  • Points to named objects or people either in a book or around them.

  • Is able to follow simple instructions such as ‘find your shoes.’

  • Names familiar people and parts of the body.



  • Can sort different shapes and colours.

  • Will find a hidden object even when it is hidden under multiple layers.

  • Enjoys make-believe.

  • Names familiar pictures in a book, for example, bird, cat, dog, car etc.

  • Is able to follow two-step instructions such as ‘find your shoes and put them on.’

  • Can build a tower comprised of four or more blocks.

Social and Emotional

  • Still egocentric, they enjoy playing alongside other children (parallel play) but can be reluctant to share their toys.

  • Gets excited when they are with other children.

  • Copies other people, particularly adults and older children.

  • Although they are becoming less emotionally volatile, they are still prone to defiant behaviour and temper tantrums.

  • Becoming more independent and are happier to be apart from their carer for short periods of time.

Photo courtesy of Travis Grossen (Unsplash)

Photo courtesy of Travis Grossen (Unsplash)


Remember this is meant as a rough guide to where your child should be with their development, but if you are at all worried that they may be lagging behind in any area, or they lose a skill they previously had, you should always seek the advice of a health professional.



(Taken from book sample online)

Savory, L., Bulman, K., 25 August, 2006, BTEC First Children’s Care, Learning and Development - Understanding Children’s Development, 1st edition, Heinemann, accessed on: 21 August 2020, available at: (sample found at:)

CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 9 June, 2020, CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention - Milestones, accessed on: 21 August, 2020, available at: