Developmental Milestones - 4 Years Old
At 4 years, old most children
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Can hop or stand on one foot for 2 seconds.
Able to catch a bounced ball most of the time.
Mashes their own food.
Pours and cuts with supervision.
Language and Communication
Knows basic grammar rules, such as correctly using ‘he’ and ‘she’ or ‘me’ and ‘you’.
Can sing a song, such as Incy Wincy Spider, or poem by heart.
Tells stories.
Knows their first and last name.
Can name some colours and numbers, and understands why we count.
Can recall some parts of a story and predict what might happen next.
Uses scissors.
Draws a person with 2-4 body parts.
Understands time, and the concept of ‘same’ and ‘different.’
Copies some capital letters.
Will play board or card games.
Social and Emotional
Enjoys more creative games of make-believe, including ‘mums and dads.’
Sometimes cannot differentiate between real and make-believe.
Likes doing new things.
Prefers playing with other children rather than by themselves, and are more cooperative with them.
Can talk about what they like or are interested in.
Remember this is meant as a rough guide to where your child should be with their development, but if you are at all worried that they may be lagging behind in any area, or they lose a skill they previously had, you should always seek the advice of a health professional.
(Taken from book sample online)
Savory, L., Bulman, K., 25 August, 2006, BTEC First Children’s Care, Learning and Development - Understanding Children’s Development, 1st edition, Heinemann, accessed on: 21 August 2020, available at: (sample found at:)
CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 9 June, 2020, CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention - Milestones, accessed on: 21 August, 2020, available at: