Developmental Milestones - 4 Years Old

Photo courtesy of Dragos Gontariu (Unsplash)

Photo courtesy of Dragos Gontariu (Unsplash)


At 4 years, old most children


Fine and Gross Motor Skills

  • Can hop or stand on one foot for 2 seconds.

  • Able to catch a bounced ball most of the time.

  • Mashes their own food.

  • Pours and cuts with supervision.

Language and Communication

  • Knows basic grammar rules, such as correctly using ‘he’ and ‘she’ or ‘me’ and ‘you’.

  • Can sing a song, such as Incy Wincy Spider, or poem by heart.

  • Tells stories.

  • Knows their first and last name.

Photo courtesy of Torsten Dederichs (Unsplash)

Photo courtesy of Torsten Dederichs (Unsplash)



  • Can name some colours and numbers, and understands why we count.

  • Can recall some parts of a story and predict what might happen next.

  • Uses scissors.

  • Draws a person with 2-4 body parts.

  • Understands time, and the concept of ‘same’ and ‘different.’

  • Copies some capital letters.

  • Will play board or card games.

Social and Emotional

  • Enjoys more creative games of make-believe, including ‘mums and dads.’

  • Sometimes cannot differentiate between real and make-believe.

  • Likes doing new things.

  • Prefers playing with other children rather than by themselves, and are more cooperative with them.

  • Can talk about what they like or are interested in.


Remember this is meant as a rough guide to where your child should be with their development, but if you are at all worried that they may be lagging behind in any area, or they lose a skill they previously had, you should always seek the advice of a health professional.



(Taken from book sample online)

Savory, L., Bulman, K., 25 August, 2006, BTEC First Children’s Care, Learning and Development - Understanding Children’s Development, 1st edition, Heinemann, accessed on: 21 August 2020, available at: (sample found at:)

CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 9 June, 2020, CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention - Milestones, accessed on: 21 August, 2020, available at: