Ditching the Pacifier
Pacifiers; they are the bane of many a parent’s life, they are the saviour.
How ever you view the pacifier, one day it is going to have to go. Ideally you should start weaning a child off their pacifier from around twelve months. This is because this is when they are starting to develop speech, and over-use of a pacifier can impede that development. However, there can be an emotional attachment to it that stems back to their baby days, when sucking brought them comfort, so it is neither advisable nor wise to just take it away from them. Doing so will only make the experience more stressful for you and more importantly, your child.
Much like anything, how long it will take to wean them off their pacifier depends on each individual child, but by the age of two they are often happy to be without it during the day, although some may still like to have one at night.
When you have decided it is time to ditch the pacifier, it is important to choose your timing carefully. Do not suddenly spring it on them that they are going to have to give up their attachment that day. Instead, talk often about how one day they will not need their pacifier because they are all grown up. Allow it to sink in slowly that soon they will need to let their pacifier go. If there has been a big change, such as a change in the family dynamics or you have recently moved to a new house, it is a good idea to wait until your child has become more settled with them before you begin the weaning process. This will make it easier for them to deal with because, instead of having to cope simultaneously with multiple big changes, they are only having to deal with one at a time.
Now your child is ready let’s look at what you can do to successfully wean them off their pacifier:
Think baby steps.
If they are used to having their pacifier first thing in the morning, allow them this comfort but distract their attention away from it when you think they are suitably awake. This can usually be done when they are having their breakfast, as their focus is on their food, or you might want to try it after breakfast using a toy instead. If their attention is drawn elsewhere it is usually easier to hide the pacifier from view. This takes us to the second point…
Out of sight, out of mind.
This is true for just about anything, your child’s pacifier included. By keeping it out of sight, it is not serving as a reminder to them and therefore they will soon forget about it when provided with an alternative distraction such as a toy or meal/snack.
Limit the use of their pacifier during the day.
Ideally, they would not have their pacifier at all but if your child is particularly resistant to your efforts to wean them off it, it will do them no harm if they have it at set times. For example, during nap time, or in the afternoon when they are more likely to be tired and cranky.
Have you introduced them to the pacifier fairy who collects pacifiers for all those new little babies in the world?
Encourage your child to let the fairy take theirs too. Afterall, they are so grown up now, and it is a kind thing to do for all those little babies out there. They could even say their own little goodbye at bedtime and place it where they think the fairy can reach it.
Don’t worry too much if your child is clinging onto their pacifier longer than you would like.
They will eventually let it go. Just keep assuring them you are confident they don’t really need it anymore because they are grown up now. As well as using the techniques outlined above, try a reward chart as further encouragement to let their pacifier go.
Related article: Stopping your Child’s Thumb-sucking